Harnessing the power of disparate data to drive better patient care, streamline operational efficiencies and extract essential sights

Here at Insource we specialise in data management solutions for the NHS.  We help organisations harness the power of their disparate data to drive better patient outcomes, streamline operational efficiencies and extract essential insights from across the hospital or complete ICS.

20 years’ expertise delivered at local, ICS or national level

Sam Elliott, CEO at Insource outlines that Insource has been working with the NHS over 20 years. Within that time, we have touched many areas both at Trust level, at ICS level and more recently at national level. We’ve dealt with community care, mental health, cancer and all the specialist areas and units.

Single version of the truth

Our ground-breaking technology brings all the detailed data on a patient’s complete care journey, previously locked into various IT systems across the ICS, into one place. This accurate single version of the truth can then be shared by clinicians and managers for system-wide care coordination and better patient care.

Unified Data Layer (UDL)

Rob Findlay, Director of Strategic Solutions at Insource outlines, what Insource bring is firstly a very strong and reliable data platform. We bring together data from all the various IT systems that are involved around the hospital – and there are many, many of those – into a completely clean and consistent Unified Data Layer. Then all of the clever analytics, intelligence and all of the other things you need to manage patient pathways can then sit on top of that unified data layer. With that pre-requisite you can then set about tackling waiting times, not by firefighting the symptoms, but with continuous and reliable processes that address the root causes of long waits.

Covering acute, mental health, community, cancer, ambulance, independent healthcare…

Over our 20 years history Insource are delighted to have become trusted data partners right across the NHS. We cover many sectors including acute hospitals, cancer centres, maternity units, ambulance, community and mental health services, and independent healthcare.

As Rob Findlay mentions, the NHS at the moment is trying to integrate and it’s in a hurry to do so. Healthcare has previously been operated in silos in England.  So, you have acute care, community care, mental health and then you have social care completely separate. The integrated care systems, or ICSs, bring all of this together.  And when you are managing an integrated system, you also need integrated data and that’s where Insource comes in.

Integrated care for the benefit of patients

Anthony (Mac) Mackeever, CEO of Mid and South Essex ICS concurs, Insource has some ground-breaking technology. Where the NHS has boxes that don’t talk to one-another, Insource is focused on the data architecture and how through, what they call a unified data layer, they can make sure that all the different parts of the system can share information for the benefits of patients. So, it’s a combination of good technology and people who are focused on what the NHS is really all about – its patients.

Data saves lives

At Insource we are immensely proud of our NHS expertise, and we fully support the government’s Data Saves Lives strategy. We are committed to making the huge wealth of NHS data easily accessible to frontline staff, so they can improve efficiencies across the service and make the best possible patient care decisions.

With Insource you can be data confident!

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