
Automate reports and mandatory returns to improve accuracy and save time
With the launch of the data quality framework, the NHS data strategy and the push for a digital NHS, data has become the lifeblood of NHS management and with it an increasing number of mandatory reports. At Insource, data is at the core of everything we do. We help NHS trusts, health boards, independent sector providers, and ICSs acquire, validate, and unify data automatically for daily operational management, analytics, and central reporting.
With over 20 years’ experience our extensive range of reports is tailored to the specific needs of diverse healthcare organisations and evolves as NHS requirements develop. Our focus is to provide you with automated data quality, consistency, and accessibility for all your operational management needs and help save huge amounts of time and manpower in reports compilation and data validation.

Extensive Reports Catalogue for diverse settings
- Automated CDS for acute trust or ICS reporting
- Community data management
- Mental health data and care record input
- Specialist trust, departmental and PLICS data feeds
- Accurate RTT reporting for elective recovery
- Non-RTT expanded MDS data quality

Automated CDS for trust or ICS reporting
Our data management platform takes data from disparate source systems and the PAS/EPR, and combines it into a single, validated source of the truth – against NHS data dictionary formats. This unified data, from across the trust or system-wide, is compiled into national Commissioning Data Set (CDS) submissions for compliant activity reporting, central monitoring and payment purposes. Being automated, access to this data can be in near real-time and reports can be extracted against need – hourly, daily, weekly… without huge manpower demands on BI or validation teams.
Community data management
As a considerable number of our clients are community trusts, our CSDS (Community Services Data Sets) encompass the full range of health and care services across a geography. This includes extracting usable data from the SystmOne clinical system for CYPHS (Children and Young People’s Health Services) submissions to the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC).
Mental health data and local care record input
For our Mental Health clients, we provide comprehensive MHSDS (Mental Health Services Data Sets) reporting alongside the IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) submissions. Plus, for key organisations we also provide the Community and Mental Health data input to local care records to ensure complete coverage of the whole health and social care journey.
Specialist trust, departmental and PLICS data feeds
We also have a range of other statutory returns for national services, specialist trusts or departments such as Maternity – MSDS – Maternity Services Data Sets and ECDS – Emergency Care Data Sets – for urgent and emergency care…. Our PLICS (Patient Level Information and Costing) data feeds and healthcare billing solution bring together all activity data and financial information into one place.

Mental health data and local care record input
For our Mental Health clients, we provide comprehensive MHSDS (Mental Health Services Data Sets) reporting alongside the IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) submissions. Plus, for key organisations we also provide the Community and Mental Health data input to local care records to ensure complete coverage of the whole health and social care journey.
Specialist trust, departmental and PLICS data feeds
We also have a range of other statutory returns for national services, specialist trusts or departments such as Maternity – MSDS – Maternity Services Data Sets and ECDS – Emergency Care Data Sets – for urgent and emergency care…. Our PLICS (Patient Level Information and Costing) data feeds and healthcare billing solution bring together all activity data and financial information into one place.

Accurate RTT reporting for effective elective recovery
Weekly RTT (Referral to Treatment) PTL (Patient Tracking List) reporting is very challenging using conventional methods. With our advanced technology, Insource Patient Pathway Plus (PP+) dramatically improves data quality and reduces the effort needed for report submission. PP+ also provides insight to clinical priorities, long waiters, diagnostic and process bottlenecks, to help speed elective recovery.
Non-RTT expanded MDS data quality
The expanded national waiting list Minimum Data Set (MDS) includes non-RTT as well as RTT waiting lists. It includes planned admissions such as cancer surveillance, post-treatment follow-ups and active monitoring, and other non-consultant-led activity such as physiotherapy. Pulling all this together accurately is very complex. We provide this, and our customers have achieved significant improvements in their data quality scores as a result.
Our data management platform unlocked
Our powerful data management platform, with its integral unified data layer (UDL), provides an accurate, complete data foundation across the hospital, trust, or Integrated Care System (ICS) for informed decision-making, operational management, and strategic planning. Our expertise covers trusts in all sectors, both specialist and general, NHS and private, and ensures you have an easily deployable platform that can be configured to meet any local needs and delivered in bite-sized modules to match your project objectives and budget.
And our UDL can be configured to meet single requirements or fully comprehensive goals. It provides partners with the daily, specific, patient-level activity data they need to implement trust-based applications that give in-depth analytics and accurate command centre overviews.