Insource – the leaders in NHS data management
With over 20 years in healthcare data management, our proven data platform and solutions span an extensive elective care recovery suite, statutory reporting, analytics support, data quality and more. Our multiple installations across acute, community, mental health, specialty trusts, independent providers, as well as powerful partnerships all deliver innovative solutions that meet today’s data challenges. For some of our successes and solutions see below:
For more case studies and customer announcements see our full Insights page.
Insource Faster Data Flows – easy automated data collection for Providers
The NHS faces numerous challenges in managing patient flow and elective recovery. Timely data to support these pressures is crucial. The Faster Data Flows programme’s primary goal is to implement an automated, granular, daily data collection. Insource can ease this burden on Providers and help them meet their statutory submission targets. Our Faster Data Flows (FDF) solution automates the collection and preparation of the dataset, saving information teams valuable time and extensive effort each day.
North Lincs and Goole replace data warehouse in preparation for shared digital services across region
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLaG) chose Insource as its strategic data management partner – initially as a unified data foundation across three hospitals and community services. The Insource data management platform will ultimately provide a joint strategic solution in NLaG’s move towards shared digital services with partner Trust Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
Single Specialty – PP Lite – single source visibility of specialty pathways for streamlined care and waiting list reduction
Almost a third of all trusts have been identified by NHS England as being ‘at risk’ of missing key targets for electives and cancer recovery. All are struggling with the backlogs. Whilst most have met the 78-week deadlines, what about the tsunami of demand coming up behind? Everyone wants to improve access in their specialty or service. No one likes to see people waiting this long for care.
North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare replaces data warehouse with strategic data management platform
North Staffordshire combined mental health and community trust appoint Insource Ltd as its strategic data partner. Jointly North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare and Insource are working on trust-wide data management, statutory reporting and the core infrastructure upgrade programme.
Technical Validation – PP Lite – online validation tool for proactive waiting list management
With 7+ million people on the waiting lists, hospitals can’t rely solely on admin and clinical staff to validate the backlogs. Digital support is vital – and cleansing the data for them to work on must be the first step. Whilst validation teams work around the clock to tackle the next cohorts needing attention, their efforts only allow us to keep pace, not get ahead.
Meeting the 78-week targets may give some respite, but what about the next tsunami already building? Do you know the size of your 65-week task and whether it will create another, bigger 78-week cohort?
Elective Recovery Suite – putting you in control of your waiting lists
With millions of people still waiting for care, Insource gives you the tools to improve patient outcomes, streamline patient journeys and drive down waiting times. At Insource we specialise in providing elective recovery solutions that give you a single source of the truth of all your waiting lists – across a specialty, a hospital or even an ICS. We help improve performance management, and above all, avoid patient harm.
Getting the complete data picture – for informed care
To make informed care and business decisions you need the complete picture. A picture that includes data from the multitude of operational and clinical systems foundational to the intricate workings of the NHS.
The NHS, as we know, is a very complex organisation with a diverse IT landscape. With over 20 years’ experience, Insource captures all granular patient pathway interactions from across this disparate landscape, unifies them, and makes them available for system-wide care coordination and accurate reporting.
Insource Cancer PP Lite – visibility of all cancer pathways in a single online platform
With the increased NHS focus on 62-day cancer backlogs and the establishment of Tier 1 and 2 trusts, with its accompanying government scrutiny, Insource announces Patient Pathway Lite (PP Lite) for Cancer. This innovative tool helps trusts quantify their risk position and gives visibility of cancer waiting times across the system in a single online resource. Cancer PP Lite helps identify next steps for each patient and establish good practice management.
RTT eLearning solutions – single training and support package in one productive bundle
The pressure is on to clear NHS waiting lists. Accurate data recording and patient pathway tracking across the hospital is now paramount if we are to ensure that care continues uninterrupted, partial pathways are eliminated, and no patients are “lost” from the lists.
Recruitment and retention issues are plaguing the service and HR Managers are looking for attractive solutions that make staff feel valued and productive. As experts in elective care, Insource now offers inclusive RTT eLearning solutions and support packages to drive down waiting lists, build staff recruitment, improve performance and inspire retention.
Horder Healthcare unifies data across disparate PAS systems, reduces risk and releases BI team for extensive reporting within the group and to the NHS
Horder Healthcare is an independent group consisting of two specialist hospitals – The Horder Centre and The McIndoe Centre – as well as two physiotherapy clinics in Eastbourne and Seaford. Run as a charity, the group provides orthopaedic surgery and musculoskeletal services from its Horder Centre and clinics. The McIndoe Centre is a centre of excellence for plastic and reconstructive surgery including oral and maxillofacial, ophthalmic, and orthopaedic surgery. The Horder Centre is rated as ‘Outstanding’ by
the CQC.
Insource RTT and Cancer eLearning – driving staff attraction and retention
Insource RTT and Cancer eLearning – driving staff attraction and retention Recruitment and retention of staff in the NHS is a growing problem, with many staff leaving the service due to reduced job satisfaction. These staff shortages are widespread and exist across all disciplines. Providing an environment where staff have the knowledge and support to do their best is key.
With added pressures on organisations to clear the waiting list backlog, attracting and retaining staff is more important than ever.
RTT & Cancer Waits Diagnostic Services – sold as part of the Platinum package or as a standalone service
With over 20 years expertise, Insource are seen as trusted advisors across elective care and associated processes. Our experts can provide detailed insight into your organisation’s processes and compliance with RTT rules or CWT guidance and help build significant performance improvement and boost data accuracy.
Waiting Times Helpdesk – services that unlock the complexity of RTT rules and Cancer guidelines
As experts in elective care, we are now able to offer waiting list managers and users, struggling with the complexity of rapidly changing national guidance, personalised advice on Referral to Treatment (RTT) and Cancer Waiting Times (CWT) reporting. Our experts are on hand to unpick the details and help your Trust report accurately on all mandatory submissions. And track waiting lists safely and effectively.
NHS compliant data sharing now crucial for independent providers
NHS commissioners spend on private healthcare rose by 27% in 2020-21 to more than £18bn. With the establishment of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) on 1st July this year there will be a greater scrutiny of this spend and its effectiveness.
Thousands of independent sector providers (ISPs) are already helping the NHS tackle the care backlog. And since the end of the pandemic, the overall share of care delivered by ISPs has grown from 12% to 16% of all NHS-funded planned treatments.
Mid and South Essex create unified data foundation for system-wide elective recovery
Mid and South Essex ICS create a single waiting list across the whole Integrated Care System to speed up elective recovery and help drive down the backlogs. The project will give a single view for all clinicians and operational managers across the ICS of exactly who is waiting for acute care, how long, for which specialty and what their clinical priority is – so the most urgent and those waiting longest can be treated first.
Surgical Hubs – essential in reducing waiting lists
With the promised £1.5bn funding, surgical hubs aim to pool resources to deliver increased elective activity within a health system or geography – to bring down the backlogs. But these hubs can be made far more productive with accurate, consolidated waiting list data that avoids DNAs and enables clinicians to treat all patients in clinical priority and date order.
Disparate systems hamper PIFU adoption – PP+ can help
The NHS’s elective recovery targets include moving 5% of outpatient appointments to PIFU (Patient Initiated Follow Ups) by March 2023 and reducing overall outpatient appointments by 25%. But are trust systems prepared for it – or are we still doing workarounds on spreadsheets?
PIFU works and can reduce unnecessary patient journeys and release clinical time. But are we able to track and monitor PIFU patients across systems not designed for it and not lose sight of those patients in the process?
ECDS-as-a-Service – automated, accurate, on time, Emergency Care Data Set submissions
As part of our extensive Reports Catalogue, our proven ECDS reporting solution captures full day (up to midnight) A&E data direct from the A&E or PAS/EPR system(s), validates it for missing fields, compiles it into the correct format and submits it automatically within the 4:30 AM NHS England reporting deadline. The activity data includes patient attendance, injuries sustained, or diagnoses reached, observations done, care given, and discharges or admission completed… Plus, Insource now provides this solution as a managed service to ensure on time reporting with no extra manpower needed.
NHS Highland – Patient Pathway Plus Cancer Tracking
The solution aims to revolutionize ways of working within and across teams in cancer services throughout NHS Highland, which covers the largest healthcare geography in the UK. PP+ Cancer provides full data-led cancer pathway management including patient event tracking, breach analysis, local operational reporting for service improvement and full Scottish Cancer Waiting Time Standards reporting.
Gooroo Beds – planning optimum bed capacity against acceptable risk
Whether you’re preparing for winter, reviewing your capacity requirements, or even planning a capital development or site reconfiguration, you’re going to need the strongest possible case for enough beds to maintain a safe bed occupancy. Gooroo Beds enables healthcare managers to accurately plan optimum bed capacity against the type of clinical facility – intensive care, surgery, medicine – the anticipated demand and against acceptable clinical risk.
Planning for winter resilience
Planning for winter pressures with the backlog at record levels, and acute bed shortages and A&E demands still major disrupting factors – advanced, agile capacity planning is vital if we are to avoid fire-fighting throughout the winter. Although we’re currently basking in the finally arrived summer sunshine, many trusts are starting to plan for winter and for what the increased patient influx will mean for them. Will anything change between now and then? Will the current pressures being seen by ambulance services, ED’s and wards make it seem like last winter never ended?
IMAS vs Gooroo Planner comparison
The current NHS mechanism for planning is typically a manual process using either an in-house model or the IST/ IMAS model which is a spreadsheet planning model based on projection. In this document we compare IMAS with Gooroo Planner which is an advanced online tool for demand forecasting and capacity planning, designed to turn planning into an automated utility. From regular operational and annual planning to advanced whole-hospital and system-wide optimisations, Gooroo Planner makes light work of the most difficult planning tasks.
Insource RTT and Cancer eLearning – to boost staff performance and data accuracy
With the burgeoning backlogs we need a clear understanding of what’s in the waiting lists. With accurate waiting lists comes achievable capacity planning, effective resource utilisation and tighter financial management. Without accurate data we are working in the dark. Insource’s eLearning platform cuts through the jargon and provides solutions to understand and comply with Referral to Treatment (RTT) rules and Cancer Waiting Times guidance. We give all clinicians and booking staff the skills to ensure that patient pathways are recorded accurately and care continues without interruption.
Reports Catalogue – full CDS and statutory returns suite for diverse care settings
At Insource, data is at the core of everything we do. We are experts in data management and reporting solutions that support our customers across diverse healthcare settings. Data has become the lifeblood of NHS management and with it an increasing number of mandatory reports. We help NHS trusts, health boards, independent providers, and ICSs acquire, validate, and unify data automatically for daily operational management, in-depth analytics, and central reporting. Our extensive range of reports is tailored to the specific needs of individual healthcare organisations and evolves as NHS requirements develop.
Health Data Enterprise – a powerful healthcare data management platform
Insource’s data management platform, Health Data Enterprise (HDE), is a digital platform designed to automate data processing, manipulation, and data consolidation. It enables teams to focus on harnessing the power of their disparate data, extracting invaluable insights, and making confident decisions that improve healthcare delivery.
X-Series – the next generation data management platform
Foundational to the full Insource portfolio, the X-Series platform provides significantly enhanced performance and supports hybrid cloud environments. X-Series maximises the performance of 2016+ versions of SQL server, facilitates parallel processing for enhanced speed and the handling of vast data volumes, and exploits the capabilities of Microsoft Azure for hybrid cloud deployments.
Managed Services – for hospitals, specialty trusts or independent providers
Insource offer the full span of our data management solutions, honed against the specific needs of the acute hospital, specialty trust, community or independent provider, as a managed service. Our most popular services Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) and Reporting-as-a-Service (RaaS) provide all the operational data management and reporting expertise of larger organisations as a packaged service, so smaller providers can deliver the same level of proficiency without the investment in technology or skilled manpower.
Gooroo Planner – advanced demand forecasting and capacity planning
Gooroo Planner is an advanced online tool for demand forecasting and capacity planning, designed to turn planning into an automated utility. From regular operational and annual planning, to advanced whole-hospital and system-wide optimisations, Gooroo Planner makes light work of the most difficult planning tasks.
Patient Pathway Plus – a complete waiting list management solution
Patient Pathway Plus (PP+) is a powerful waiting list management solution that helps boost elective recovery. PP+ delivers validated data and patient tracking lists for RTT, Non-RTT and cancer patients daily, enabling healthcare organisations to confidently manage all their elective care pathways in a single solution.
Data Validation data sheet – data quality and
waiting list validation services
Insource Teams provide data quality and waiting list validation services to healthcare organisations. With over 20 year’s expertise, we can validate all waiting lists from RTT, stage of treatment, cancer, and diagnostic waiting times to give you an accurate foundation on which to deploy stretched resources, set achievable capacity planning targets, ensure efficient financial management and above all improve patient care.
Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – Case study
Royal Papworth builds data confidence with elective care management solution. Insource PP+ reduces waiting list and patient pathway errors, automates data collection, consolidation, and validation, and streamlines RTT PTL reporting. Operational staff have now taken ownership of data accuracy at input and Royal Papworth have a single version of the truth of the PTL across the trust and the Board now have data confidence.
Insource Insight newsletter – April 2021 newsletter
In this issue:
• NHS Highland Cancer Tracking
• South Tees signs for PP+
• HSJ Partnership Awards
• Lee Rickles Webinar – getting the data foundation right
• Elective Care Hubs – an essential first step
• Demand & Capacity planning for the post-Covid normal
Insource Insight newsletter – December 2020
In this issue:
• Northern Care Alliance case study
• Insource launch strategic trust incentive
• PP+ Enterprise launch
• Data accuracy – the critical foundation for region wide services
• PP+ reduces elective backlogs
We work with over 60 NHS Trusts and Health Boards
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