Unlock your data with our proven data management platform

At Insource Ltd we are delighted to announce our full range of elective care solutions and our extensive data management capabilities.  Far more than a data warehouse, our data management platform automatically extracts operational data from source systems across your trust or health board – despite the legacy infrastructure – and meticulously standardises and transforms it into a single Unified Data Layer (UDL) for detailed insight and control.

Our UDL is free of the application layer and in line with the NHS data strategy. It contains the near-real-time, end-to-end patient-level data needed for effective operational management and strategic planning. With impressive, automated data validation and national reporting capabilities, the Insource Ltd platform puts the power of data back into your hands for an informed response to today’s digital NHS pressures.

Meeting the diverse data needs of UK Healthcare

The underlying powerhouse of all our solutions, our data management platform integrates all disparate data from clinical and administrative systems to produce a validated, standardised, single source of unified data on which to run a hospital, trust, community network or an ICS.

Installations include:


Far more than a data warehouse, our data management platform takes end-to-end RTT and non-RTT pathway data from diverse source systems and consolidates, standardises, and validates it into a single source of the truth for informed, trust-wide operational management.

Integrated Care Systems

We provide intelligent access to data. Our UDLs combine end-to-end data from disparate organisations and systems across an ICS and standardise it into a single source of insight, assurance, billing, and reporting.


Validated datasets from all your locations for accurate, timely CSDS and all statutory reporting.  Detailed Community Urgent Response Datasets for measurement against 2-hour and 2-day response standards are an integral part of the full CSDS submission.

Unified Data Layer (UDL) for Partners

With thousands of potential data fields and billions of data items, we provide partners with the selection of accurate, daily, patient-level data they need to support their diverse applications and boost outcomes delivery.

Reports Catalogue

Our automated statutory returns and numerous Commissioning Data Set (CDS) modules ensure accurate activity monitoring, billing, and reporting for: Acute – Waiting Lists – Emergency – Maternity – Community – Mental Health…

Managed Services

We offer the full span of our data management solutions, honed against the specific needs of the individual hospital, specialist trust or independent provider, as a managed service. Data-as-a-Service or Reporting-as-a-Service… enables us to take the strain and offer our data expertise as a fully hosted, hybrid cloud or on-premises option…

Proven expertise across the healthcare spectrum

Our 20 years’ expertise covers trusts in all sectors, both specialist and general, NHS and private, and ensures you have an easily deployable platform that can be configured to meet any local needs and delivered in bite-sized modules to match your project objectives and budget.

And our UDL can be configured to meet single requirements or fully comprehensive goals. It provides partners with the daily, specific, patient-level data they need to implement trust-based applications that give in-depth analytics and accurate command centre overviews.

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